How to fly on the broken ones. Guide to flying in WoW Legion. How to Fly in the Legion - Pioneer of the Broken Isles. Defender of the Broken Isles

Want to take to the air in Legion? Learn how to earn the Broken Isles Pathfinder - Part 2 achievement and unlock flight over the Broken Shore for all your characters.


To take to the skies, you need to achieve three achievements:

  • "Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 1";

  • "Explore the Broken Shore";

  • "Commander of the Legionbane Army."

In this article we will talk a little about each of them and provide links to useful guides.

Pioneer of the Broken Isles, Part 1

The first part of the Pathfinder achievement consists of five achievements.

  • "Broken Isles"- discover all hidden areas of the world map in the Broken Isles. We have prepared management to help you reach the most difficult to reach places.

  • "Loremaster Legion"- complete main story missions while traveling through the five zones of the Legion expansion. And ours management will help you in your adventures across Suramar.

  • “Variety is what spices up life”- complete 100 different world quests. Instructions to help you.

  • "Diplomat of the Broken Isles"- Earn respect from factions in all five zones. Travel through the zones, complete the tasks of the envoys - and the achievement will be in your pocket.

  • "Glorious Campaign"- Complete the campaign of your class stronghold! Our management .

Explore the Broken Shore

You will have to open all the areas on the world map in the new game zone on the Broken Isles. Get in the saddle! Before you can blink an eye, you'll have figured out this achievement.

Here are the areas to open:

  • Pinnacle of Deliverance;

  • Shore of the Dead Forest;

  • Ruins of Souls;

  • Broken Valley;

  • Terrace of Tears;

  • Tomb of Sargeras;

  • Felfury Coast;

  • Felfire Gorge.

Commander of the Legionbane Army

You can now gain favor with a new faction - the Legionbane Army. There are many ways to earn the respect of these brave souls: by completing various tasks (including the Broken Shore story quests and world quests), and constructing buildings on the Broken Shore, and much more. The very first quest in Patch 7.2, Assault on the Broken Shore, will earn you a good reputation, and soon you and the Legionbane Army will be inseparable.

Into the sky!

Once you've completed all the achievements, summon your favorite flying beast to experience the Broken Isles from a new perspective. The eerie beauty of Suramar, the forested lands of Val'shar, the rocky slopes of Stormheim - the whole world is at your fingertips!

Dreaming of the skies over the Broken Isles? Share your emotions in the comments.

Flying in the Legion 04.12.2016

​How wonderful it is to roam the heavens on a mighty griffin! Or on a wind wing... Or on a dragon... On anyone who can lift us into the air and give us the pleasure of fresh wind and a sense of freedom! But alas, this is not feasible yet. However! As in the WoD expansion, in order to gain the ability to fly, the heroes will have to fulfill a sufficient number of conditions and tasks. Therefore, it is better not to delay and start implementing them now!

We will only be able to fly in Legion locations in update 7.2. To do this, we will need to complete the achievement "" and "Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 2". The second part of the achievement is not in the game yet; it will appear directly in update 7.2.

What needs to be done to complete the first part of the achievement?

Achievement steps:

1. Glorious Campaign - Required to complete the campaign of your class's stronghold. In principle, it must be completed in any case in order to get the third relic socket.

2. Broken Isles Diplomat - Requires Revered reputation with six Legion factions:

If you complete all the tasks in all locations, and also complete local tasks, this stage will not cause you much trouble. The main thing is not to focus on getting Respect as quickly as possible :)

3. Broken Isles - Requires full exploration of the Broken Isles locations. As you complete the tasks, almost all zones are explored; you will have to run around quite a bit purposefully. Here are links to lists of required zones:

4. Legion Loremaster - Requires completion of all missions in Legion expansion zones related to the main storyline. Everything here is extremely simple and clear.

5. Variety is the spice of life - Requires completing 100 different world quests. Precisely different. But, given that we need local quests everywhere, you won’t even notice how you finish this stage. For convenience, you can use addons:

As can be seen from the description of the stages, all of them can be completed easily and naturally if you are just playing and do not set as your goal the fastest completion of this achievement. Well, if there is such a goal, then by completing all the story quests in the locations along the way and gaining level 110, access to Suramar and local quests, it can be done in a few days.

As a reward, you will receive 20% faster movement on horseback across the Broken Isles! Not flights, but at least something!

What do you need to do to complete the second part of the achievement?

As already written above, you will be able to start completing the second part when update 7.2 is released. The stages will be as follows:

  • You must complete the Tomb of Sargeras raid. However, it will not open immediately. In addition, first you will need to go through the Cathedral of Eternal Night, a dungeon consisting of four bosses.

2. Defender of the Broken Isles

  • Complete the continuation of the Class Hall quest chain. It will take some time (it is not yet known exactly how long), but it is not difficult.

3. Broken Shore

  • We will need to explore the "Broken Shore" zone, the simplest stage.

4. Commander of the "Fall of the Legion"

  • Fall of the Legion is a faction that will appear in update 7.2. It will be similar to the Alliance and Horde factions from Tanaan Jungle. Story missions will be associated with them. To “pass” the stage, we will have to conquer Exaltation.

What conclusion do we come to? The achievement is extremely simple, but not quick. But it’s easier and more interesting than in WoD, if only because it was more difficult to get the required level of reputation with the right factions!
So let's do Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, part 1, and after that, be patient and wait for update 7.2, and soon after installing it we will be able to take off!

Thank you for reading this article! We hope we have answered your questions regarding flying in the Legion. And with the arrival of 7.2, the skies will darken with our dragons!

According to Blizzard, this part is the most difficult to unlock flying in Legion. It consists of completing a meta-achievement. Below we will look at what you need to do to get this achievement.

Broken Isles

As you level up to level 110, you will have more locations unlocked. To find out where you haven't been yet, use the Explorer Coords addon.

Variety is the spice of life

Everything is clear here - complete 100 local quests. World quests become available at level 110.

Glorious Campaign

    To get the achievement you need to complete a unique chain of quests related to the stronghold of your class.

    At the end of the campaign, you will unlock the third relic slot in the artifact.

What do you need not required do to get the achievement:

    Complete the Naaru quest chain about Illidan

    Complete quest chains for artifacts of other specializations

Broken Isles Diplomat

For this achievement you need to achieve respect from the six main factions of the Legion. To do this, you first need to complete all quest chains in locations (except for Guardians - they do not have a quest chain), and then complete local quests corresponding to the desired faction.

Legion Loremaster

To get this achievement, you need to complete global story quests in five locations of the Broken Isles. The achievement applies to all characters on the account after one of them receives it.

Azsuna Matata, Complete Val'sharah, Vrykul story, bro! and knee-deep mountains

These achievements are quite simple - complete tasks in the location as you level up your character. You will need to complete almost all the tasks in the location, so do not reset the quests.

Good Suramaritan

Each achievement point is part of a quest chain. You will receive an achievement when you complete the entire chain. Please note that some quests require a fairly high reputation with the Darkened to begin.

Part 2 - will be available in patch 7.2

This part will be completely ready as soon as patch 7.2 hits the PTR. You can find out what we already know below.

Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 2 is the second and final meta-achievement required to unlock flight in the Legion. As shown at Blizzcon 2016, players will be required to complete new story missions in the Broken Isles and Class Hall.

Second meta achievement points:

    Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 1

    Explore all areas of the Broken Isles

    Opening the Tomb

    Defender of the Broken Isles

    Commander of the Fall of the Legion

Essentially, you'll need to complete new story missions related to the Class Hall and the Broken Isles in patch 7.2, as well as level up your reputation with the new faction.

Class mounts in patch 7.2

Along with the announcement of flights in patch 7.2, Blizzard also showed class mounts. Players will be able to receive them as a reward for completing the entire chain of class stronghold quests and leveling up their reputation with the faction, which will appear in patch 7.2.

Up until update 7.2, the game allowed you to achieve all the achievements required to fly over the Broken Isles. In updates 7.0.3 and 7.1, players could not fly - they could only move on the ground. With the release of patch 7.2, the characters' lives have become easier. What achievements needed to be achieved in order to study flights over Legion locations?

How to learn flying in Legion?

The World Of Warcraft Legion update uses the same system as in Draenor. Learning to fly is not very easy - you first need to get achievements for exploring the game world. There are only two parts of the “Pathfinder of the Broken Isles” achievements:

  • Part 1. Access to flights will not open, but ground mounts will move much faster.
  • Part 2. This achievement is only available in patch 7.2 and higher. If you get it, you will be able to learn how to fly over Legion locations.

Pathfinder of the Broken Isles. Part 1

To achieve this achievement, you need to obtain a number of minor achievements, namely:

That's all, after completing the first part of the achievements, you can proceed to the second.

Accelerating reputation leveling

To quickly boost your reputation with Legion factions, use these tricks:

Play as people and take advantage of the goodies that the Darkmoon Fair gives. And you’ll improve your reputation very quickly.

Pioneer of the Broken Isles. Part 2

This achievement is only unlocked in patch 7.2. But at the moment, update 8.1.5 is current, so by default the achievement is already in the list. What achievements will you get:

  1. Do the entire first part.
  2. Repel Legion invasions in all zones (receive the “Defender of the Broken Isles” achievement).
  3. Completely explore the Broken Shore (this location appeared in the game with the release of patch 7.2).
  4. You receive the achievement “Commander of the Army of the Legion’s Ruin.” To do this, seek Respect from the corresponding faction.

There is nothing difficult in obtaining achievements; you can complete them in a few evenings. And most importantly, if you receive all the achievements, you will be able to become the owner of a class mount. And if you complete both parts with one character, then others will be able to fly when they reach level 110.

Hold your ground mounts! Flying becomes available in Patch 7.2 - and if you haven’t already started on your journey, now is the time to complete Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One. To help you along the way, we’re breaking the achievement down into a series of four handy guides: Good Suramaritan, Legion Explorer, World Quests, and Class Order Hall Campaigns.

Becoming a Good Suramaritan

The Good Suramaritan achievement will take a little time investment if you want to earn your wings and fly in Azeroth. The TL;DR: complete the Suramar quest lines and earning reputation with the Nightfallen along the way. Reputation is key, and unlocks quests within the achievement – ​​one quest, A Change of Seasons, won’t unlock until you’re 20,000 reputation into Revered.

Where to Start

I'm Not 110 Yet

Not to worry – if you haven’t reached maximum level yet, you have plenty of time. Go questing, run dungeons, level up your professions. In the end, you will hit that magic number. You can always take a look at a zone guide if you need additional inspiration or advice. When you hit 110, this guide will be waiting for you.

I'm 110 but Haven't Started the Suramar Quest Line

  • An Ancient Gift – completed as part of Nightfallen But Not Forgotten
  • The Waning Crescent – rewards a toy: Never Ending Toy Chest
  • Blood and Wine rewards a pet: Untethered Wyrmling
  • Statecraft unlocks Arcway and Court of Stars
  • A Growing Crisis – requires you to kill Xavius ​​in The Emerald Nightmare (LFR+)
  • A Change of Seasons – unlocks when you reach 20k into Revered
  • Breaking The Lightbreaker
  • Moon Guard Stronghold
  • Tidying Tel'anor
  • Eminent Grow-main – rewards a pet: Lurking Owl Kitten
  • Jandvik's Jarl – rewards Draft of Seawalking

Where Can I Find Ancient Mana?

Ancient Mana is easy to come by – with the most obvious and efficient being the Ancient Mana nodes that pop up on your minimap.

  • GATHER! Pick up Ancient Mana nodes in the zone. You’ll need the Mana Divining Stone, which is provided during the Ancient Mana quest so the nodes appear on your minimap.
  • QUEST! The Path to Suramar City
  • KILL! Creatures in Suramar
  • BUFF! Don’t forget to get the Ancient Mana buff from ! Feed Valtrois
  • GATHER! Ancient Mana is also contained in:
  • Mana-Tinged Pack– from an enchant applied to shoulders; requires The Nightfallen Honored
  • Oddly-Shaped Stomach– from the Skinning profession
If you need further details, including video walkthroughs, you can find more on
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