The most famous mythical cities. Mythical countries that could exist on the territory of Russia - a little bit of good What is another name for the mythical country Cibola

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In the history of mankind, legends about states and lands have been preserved, the existence of which has been refuted or not confirmed by modern science.

  • Agharti- the legendary underground country, in another wording - "the mystical center of the sacred tradition, located in the East."
  • Avalon- a mythical island in the French and English adaptations of Celtic legends that have come down to us.
  • Arctida- a hypothetical northern polar continent that supposedly existed in the past.
  • Atlantis- the legendary country described by Plato in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias with reference to some legends, located in the modern Atlantic Ocean and died in the middle of the 10th millennium BC. e. as a result of a natural disaster, together with their inhabitants - the Atlanteans.
  • Aztlan- the mythical ancestral home of the Aztecs.
  • brazil Isle of the Blessed in Irish mythology. Mentioned from the Early Middle Ages.
  • hyperborea- in ancient Greek mythology and the tradition that inherits it, the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people Hyperboreans.
  • Sannikov Land- a ghost island in the Arctic Ocean.
  • Ker-Is - in Breton legends, an ancient city, the capital of Armorica (that is, Brittany)
  • Lemuria- a mythical land in the Indian Ocean.
  • Lukomorye- a reserved place on the outskirts of the universe, where the world tree stands - the axis of the world, along which you can get to other worlds, since its top rests on heaven, and its roots reach the underworld. Sometimes Lukomorye was called the ancient Northern Kingdom, where people fall into hibernation in order to wake up for the return of the spring Sun.
  • Ofir- a country mentioned in the Bible, which was famous for gold, jewelry and other curiosities.
  • Paytiti- the lost or mythical golden city of the Incas in the Andes, it was there that the Incas "hid innumerable golden riches that have haunted explorers and adventurers for several centuries."
  • pacifida(Mu) is a hypothetical sunken land in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Saguenay- a fabulously rich country, the search for which haunted the French explorers of Canada (Jacques Cartier and others) during the period of great geographical discoveries.
  • Tamoanchan- in the mythology of the Aztecs, the earthly paradise. They consider it the birthplace of mankind. Hometown of Quetzalcoatl.
  • Tollan- mythical city in Mesoamerica.
  • friesland- a ghost island that appeared on the maps of the North Atlantic in the 16th-17th centuries.
  • Fenugreek- mythical country in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Schlaraffenland(also known as Cockayne)
  • El Dorado- the mythical country of gold and precious stones in South America, " where these treasures are as common as our ordinary cobblestone».

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An excerpt characterizing the Mythical States

Oh ca se voit bien. Paris!.. Un homme qui ne connait pas Paris, est un sauvage. Un Parisien, ca se sent a deux lieux. Paris, s "est Talma, la Duschenois, Potier, la Sorbonne, les boulevards, - and noticing that the conclusion was weaker than the previous one, he hastily added: - Il n" y a qu "un Paris au monde. Vous avez ete a Paris et vous etes reste Busse. Eh bien, je ne vous en estime pas moins. [Oh, you can see it. Paris!... A man who doesn't know Paris is a savage. You can recognize a Parisian two miles away. Paris is Talma, Duchenois, Pottier, The Sorbonne, the boulevards... There is only Paris in the whole world. You were in Paris and remained Russian. Well, I respect you no less for that.]
Under the influence of the wine he had drunk and after days spent in solitude with his gloomy thoughts, Pierre felt an involuntary pleasure in talking with this cheerful and good-natured man.
- Pour en revenir a vos dames, on les dit bien belles. Quelle fichue idee d "aller s" enterrer dans les steppes, quand l "armee francaise est a Moscou. Quelle chance elles ont manque celles la. Vos moujiks c" est autre chose, mais voua autres gens civilises vous devriez nous connaitre mieux que ca . Nous avons pris Vienne, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Varsovie, toutes les capitales du monde… On nous craint, mais on nous aime. Nous sommes bons a connaitre. Et puis l "Empereur! [But back to your ladies: they say they are very beautiful. What a stupid idea to go dig into the steppes when the French army is in Moscow! They missed a wonderful opportunity. Your men, I understand, but you are people educated - should have known us better than this. We took Vienna, Berlin, Madrid, Naples, Rome, Warsaw, all the capitals of the world. They fear us, but they love us. It is not harmful to know us better. And then the emperor ...] - he began, but Pierre interrupted him.
- L "Empereur," Pierre repeated, and his face suddenly took on a sad and embarrassed expression. - Est ce que l "Empereur? .. [Emperor ... What is the emperor? ..]
- L "Empereur? C" est la generosite, la clemence, la justice, l "ordre, le genie, voila l" Empereur! C "est moi, Ram ball, qui vous le dit. Tel que vous me voyez, j" etais son ennemi il y a encore huit ans. Mon pere a ete comte emigre ... Mais il m "a vaincu, cet homme. Il m" a empoigne. Je n "ai pas pu resister au spectacle de grandeur et de gloire dont il couvrait la France. Quand j" ai compris ce qu "il voulait, quand j" ai vu qu "il nous faisait une litiere de lauriers, voyez vous, je me suis dit: voila un souverain, et je me suis donne a lui. Eh voila! Oh, oui, mon cher, c "est le plus grand homme des siecles passes et a venir. [Emperor? This generosity, mercy, justice, order, genius - that's what an emperor is! It is I, Rambal, who speaks to you. As you see me, I was his enemy eight years ago. My father was a count and an emigrant. But he defeated me, this man. He took possession of me. I could not resist the spectacle of majesty and glory with which he covered France. When I understood what he wanted, when I saw that he was preparing a bed of laurels for us, I said to myself: here is the sovereign, and I gave myself to him. And so! Oh yes, my dear, this is the greatest man of the past and future ages.]
– Est il a Moscou? [What, is he in Moscow?] - Pierre said, hesitating and with a criminal face.
The Frenchman looked at Pierre's criminal face and grinned.
- Non, il fera son entree demain, [No, he will make his entry tomorrow,] - he said and continued his stories.
Their conversation was interrupted by the cry of several voices at the gate and the arrival of Morel, who came to announce to the captain that the Wirttemberg hussars had arrived and wanted to put their horses in the same yard where the captain's horses stood. The difficulty was mainly due to the fact that the hussars did not understand what they were told.

Mythical cities “Sometimes people dream of blue cities: for some - Moscow, for some - Paris ...” is sung in a popular Soviet song. But, somewhere on Earth, perhaps mysterious places shrouded in myths and legends are hidden from us. Nobody was there, but they talk a lot about them. No one has seen them, but a lot is known about how they look... In someone's mind, it is these mysterious parallel worlds that appear through the haze of inexplicable dreams... But, real sensations sometimes happen in world archeology. So, a little over 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, the mythical cities of Heraklion, Canopus and Menutis, known only from ancient Greek tragedies and legends, were discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by an international group of archaeologists. By that time, scientists had been exploring the coastal region of Alexandria for three years. Who knows, perhaps very soon there will be a solution to the mystery of ancient Shangrila, the sunken Atlantis and Kitezh, underground Agharti will be discovered ... Shambhala - a mythical country in Tibet Shambhala in Tibet (or in other surrounding regions of Asia) is mentioned in several ancient treatises. According to some of them, the Hindu messiah Kalka was born here. The first mention of Shambhala is found in the Kalachakra Tantra (X century). The text states that the city has survived from the time of Shambhala King Suchandra. According to another legend, Shambhala was a kingdom in Central Asia. After the Muslim invasion of Central Asia in the 9th century, the kingdom of Shambhala became invisible to human eyes, and only the pure in heart can find their way to it. Tibetologist Bronislav Kuznetsov (1931-1985) and orientalist Lev Gumilyov (1912-1992), working on the issue, came to the conclusion that Shambhala is a real place. Moreover, it is depicted on an ancient Tibetan map published in the Tibetan-Shangshung dictionary. According to their interpretation, the author of the map reflected on it the era of domination of Syria, led by the Macedonian conquerors. Syria in Persian is called Sham, and the word "bolo" means "top", "surface". Consequently, Shambhala is translated as "the domination of Syria", which corresponded to reality in the period of the III-II centuries BC. e. In the works of Nicholas and Helena Roerich, the idea of ​​Shambhala is of great importance. Nicholas Roerich, who traveled through Central Asia in the 1924-28s of the last century, stated that he had personally heard countless stories about this place. Based on the religious and philosophical teachings of the Roerichs, a new movement "Agni Yoga" (Living Ethics) arose, which has the veneration of Shambhala as one of its most important foundations. In the short story by the science fiction writer James Hilton, The Lost Horizon, the land of Shangri-La became the literary allegory of Shambhala. Kitezh - Russian Atlantis. At one time, the writer Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky, inspired by Lake Svetloyar, told his legend in the novel "In the Woods", as well as in the story "Grisha". The lake was visited by Maxim Gorky (feature "Bugrov"), Vladimir Korolenko (feature cycle "In Desert Places"), Mikhail Prishvin (feature "Light Lake"). Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh about the mysterious city. The lake was painted by artists Nikolai Romadin, Ilya Glazunov and many others. The poets Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva also mention hail in their work. Today, more and more science fiction writers are interested in the legend of Kitezh. Of the works of this kind, one can name, for example, the story "The Hammers of Kitezh" by Nick Perumov and "Red Shift" by Evgeny Gulyakovsky. In the Soviet film "Magicians", which was based on the Strugatskys' novel "Monday begins on Saturday", a musical instrument factory worker travels to fabulous Kitezh. Remember Atlantis, the mainland that plunged into the ocean: this is how the gods punished the local population for their sins. So, there is a similar story in Rus' - the legend of Kitezh ... It has nothing to do with sins, on the contrary, the reasons for the flooding of the city should be sought in the spiritual purity of its inhabitants. And only the righteous and saints can see this city. Many Orthodox Christians gather on a pilgrimage to the lake, where they believe Kitezh is buried. The only hints of its real existence are in the book "Kitezh Chronicler". According to scientists, this book was written at the end of the 17th century. According to her, the city was built by the great Russian Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky at the end of the 12th century. Returning from a trip to Novgorod, along the way I stopped to rest near Lake Svetloyar. He was captivated by the beauty of those places and later ordered the construction of the city of Great Kitezh on the shore. The length of the built city was 200 sazhens (a straight sazhen is the distance between the ends of the fingers spread out in different directions of the hands, approximately 1.6 meters), the width was 100. Several churches were also built, and on occasion the best masters began to “paint images”. During the Mongol invasion, in order not to be defeated, the island miraculously sank into the waters of the lake. Lake Svetloyar is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Vladimirsky Voskresensky district, in the Lunda basin, a tributary of the Vetluga River. Its length is 210 meters, width is 175 meters, and the total area is about 12 hectares. There is still no consensus on how the lake appeared. Someone insists on the glacial theory of origin, someone defends the karst hypothesis. There is a version that the lake arose after the fall of a meteorite. The underground country of Agharti or Agartha. The mystical center of sacred tradition, located in the East. The literal translation from Sanskrit is "invulnerable", "inaccessible". The French mystic Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveidre wrote about her for the first time in his book Indian Mission in Europe. The second mention belongs to Ferdinand Ossendovsky, who in the book “And animals, and people, and gods”, according to the Mongolian lamas, tells the legend of an underground country that controls the destinies of all mankind. In Ossendowski's story, some researchers find borrowings from Saint-Yves d'Alveidre. A comparative analysis of both versions of the legend was made by the French scientist Rene Guenon in his work "The King of the World", in which he came to the conclusion that they have a common source. The traditional location of Agartha is Tibet or the Himalayas. In Agartha live the highest initiates, keepers of tradition, true teachers and rulers of the world. It is impossible for the uninitiated to reach Agartha - it becomes available only to the elite. According to Puranic literature, Agartha is an island located in the middle of a sea of ​​nectar. Travelers are transported there by a mystical golden bird. Chinese literature reported about the tree and the fountain of immortality located in Agartha. Tibetan lamas depicted Agartha in the center of an oasis surrounded by rivers and high mountains. There are legends about underground passages connecting Agartha with the outside world. F. Ossendovsky and N. K. Roerich reported on special underground and air vehicles that serve its inhabitants for quick movement. Ancient Greek cities discovered at the bottom of the sea. At the beginning of the article, we talked about the sensational discovery of archaeologists at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea - the cities of Heraklion, Canopus and Menutis, previously known only from ancient Greek legends. A basalt bust of a certain pharaoh, a bust of a deity according to Serapis, coins were raised from the bottom, which made it possible to date the destruction of the ancient settlement of the 7th-8th centuries. BC. But, most importantly, three cities with preserved houses, towers, moorings were discovered ... Canopus got its name in honor of the helmsman under King Menelaus, who died from a snake bite (and was immediately deified), and Menutis - in honor of his wife. Heraklion, according to legend, was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It was in this city that King Menelaus and Elena the Beautiful stopped on the way from the defeated Troy. So, in any case, wrote the historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in 450 BC. He also described the landmark of the city - the tower of Hercules. It was a rich city, however, which lost its influence after the construction of Alexandria. As scientists suggest, Heraklion was flooded as a result of a strong earthquake. However, at the same time, apparently, he was almost not injured, but only forever frozen in time at the bottom of the abyss. Why did scientists (geophysicists from Stanford University, who mapped the bottom using magnetic waves) guess about the earthquake? It's all about the nature of the location of the columns and walls of the city, which lay in one direction. Whether visits to "maritime museums" will ever be available is unknown. Nevertheless, it would be very profitable for the state and interesting for tourists. "Chichaburg": an underground city in Siberia. In the late 90s of the last century, during aerial photography of the Novosibirsk region, researchers 5 km from the regional center of Zdvinsk, on the shores of Lake Chicha, discovered an unusual anomaly: clear outlines of buildings appeared in the picture, although there were steppes and lakes all around. Houses underground? Novosibirsk scientists, using special geophysical equipment provided by German colleagues, "enlightened" the mysterious place. The result exceeded all expectations: clear contours of streets, lanes, quarters, powerful defensive structures appeared on the map. A real city is located on an area of ​​12-15 hectares. During research on Earth, on the outskirts of "Chichaburg" something resembling a slag heap was found, which usually remains from a developed metallurgical production. The class stratification of the ancient Siberian city also turned out to be “enlightened”: “elite” stone palaces were adjacent to the stone houses of common people. A fragment of some ancient - hitherto unknown - civilization rose from the ground ... According to preliminary excavations, the age of the settlement is the 7th-8th centuries BC. It turns out that the town on the banks of the Chicha is the same age as the Trojan War? It is not easy for scientists to believe in this - after all, such a discovery overturns many well-established concepts in history, archeology, and ethnography.

“People sometimes dream of blue cities: for someone - Moscow, for someone - Paris ...” is sung in a popular Soviet song. But, somewhere on Earth, perhaps mysterious places shrouded in myths and legends are hidden from us.

Nobody was there, but they talk a lot about them. No one has seen them, but a lot is known about how they look... In someone's mind, it is these mysterious parallel worlds that appear through the haze of inexplicable dreams...

But, in world archeology, real sensations sometimes happen. So, a little over 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, the mythical cities of Heraklion, Canopus and Menutis, known only from ancient Greek tragedies and legends, were discovered at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by an international group of archaeologists. By that time, scientists had been exploring the coastal region of Alexandria for three years. Who knows, perhaps very soon there will be a solution to the mystery of ancient Shangrila, the sunken Atlantis and Kitezh, underground Agharti will be discovered ...

Shambhala - a mythical country in Tibet

Shambhala in Tibet (or in other surrounding regions of Asia) is mentioned in several ancient treatises. According to some of them, the Hindu messiah Kalka was born here. The first mention of Shambhala is found in the Kalachakra Tantra (X century). The text states that the city has survived from the time of Shambhala King Suchandra. According to another legend, Shambhala was a kingdom in Central Asia. After the Muslim invasion of Central Asia in the 9th century, the kingdom of Shambhala became invisible to human eyes, and only the pure in heart can find their way to it.

Tibetologist Bronislav Kuznetsov (1931-1985) and orientalist Lev Gumilyov (1912-1992), working on the issue, came to the conclusion that Shambhala is a real place. Moreover, it is depicted on an ancient Tibetan map published in the Tibetan-Shangshung dictionary. According to their interpretation, the author of the map reflected on it the era of domination of Syria, led by the Macedonian conquerors. Syria in Persian is called Sham, and the word "bolo" means "top", "surface". Consequently, Shambhala is translated as "the domination of Syria", which corresponded to reality in the period of the III-II centuries BC. e.

In the works of Nicholas and Helena Roerich, the idea of ​​Shambhala is of great importance. Nicholas Roerich, who traveled through Central Asia in the 1924-28s of the last century, stated that he had personally heard countless stories about this place. Based on the religious and philosophical teachings of the Roerichs, a new movement "Agni Yoga" (Living Ethics) arose, which has the veneration of Shambhala as one of its most important foundations. In the short story by the science fiction writer James Hilton, The Lost Horizon, the land of Shangri-La became the literary allegory of Shambhala.

Kitezh - Russian Atlantis.

At one time, the writer Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky, inspired by Lake Svetloyar, told his legend in the novel "In the Woods", as well as in the story "Grisha". The lake was visited by Maxim Gorky (feature "Bugrov"), Vladimir Korolenko (feature cycle "In Desert Places"), Mikhail Prishvin (feature "Light Lake"). Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh about the mysterious city. The lake was painted by artists Nikolai Romadin, Ilya Glazunov and many others. The poets Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva also mention hail in their work.

Today, more and more science fiction writers are interested in the legend of Kitezh. Of the works of this kind, one can name, for example, the story "The Hammers of Kitezh" by Nick Perumov and "Red Shift" by Evgeny Gulyakovsky. In the Soviet film "Magicians", which was based on the Strugatskys' novel "Monday begins on Saturday", a musical instrument factory worker travels to fabulous Kitezh.

Remember Atlantis, the mainland that plunged into the ocean: this is how the gods punished the local population for their sins. So, there is a similar story in Rus' - the legend of Kitezh ... It has nothing to do with sins, on the contrary, the reasons for the flooding of the city should be sought in the spiritual purity of its inhabitants. And only the righteous and saints can see this city. Many Orthodox Christians gather on a pilgrimage to the lake, where they believe Kitezh is buried.

The only hints of its real existence are in the book "Kitezh Chronicler". According to scientists, this book was written at the end of the 17th century. According to her, the city was built by the great Russian Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky at the end of the 12th century. Returning from a trip to Novgorod, along the way I stopped to rest near Lake Svetloyar. He was captivated by the beauty of those places and later ordered the construction of the city of Great Kitezh on the shore.

The length of the built city was 200 sazhens (a straight sazhen is the distance between the ends of the fingers spread out in different directions of the hands, approximately 1.6 meters), the width was 100. Several churches were also built, and on occasion the best masters began to “paint images”. During the Mongol invasion, in order not to be defeated, the island miraculously sank into the waters of the lake.

Lake Svetloyar is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Vladimirsky Voskresensky district, in the Lunda basin, a tributary of the Vetluga River. Its length is 210 meters, width is 175 meters, and the total area is about 12 hectares. There is still no consensus on how the lake appeared. Someone insists on the glacial theory of origin, someone defends the karst hypothesis. There is a version that the lake arose after the fall of a meteorite.

The underground country of Agharti or Agartha.

The mystical center of sacred tradition, located in the East. The literal translation from Sanskrit is "invulnerable", "inaccessible". The French mystic Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveidre wrote about her for the first time in his book Indian Mission in Europe.

The second mention belongs to Ferdinand Ossendovsky, who in the book “And animals, and people, and gods”, according to the Mongolian lamas, tells the legend of an underground country that controls the destinies of all mankind. In Ossendowski's story, some researchers find borrowings from Saint-Yves d'Alveidre. A comparative analysis of both versions of the legend was made by the French scientist Rene Guenon in his work "The King of the World", in which he came to the conclusion that they have a common source.

The traditional location of Agartha is Tibet or the Himalayas. In Agartha live the highest initiates, keepers of tradition, true teachers and rulers of the world. It is impossible for the uninitiated to reach Agartha - it becomes available only to the elite.

According to Puranic literature, Agartha is an island located in the middle of a sea of ​​nectar. Travelers are transported there by a mystical golden bird. Chinese literature reported about the tree and the fountain of immortality located in Agartha. Tibetan lamas depicted Agartha in the center of an oasis surrounded by rivers and high mountains.

There are legends about underground passages connecting Agartha with the outside world. F. Ossendovsky and N. K. Roerich reported on special underground and air vehicles that serve its inhabitants for quick movement.

Ancient Greek cities discovered at the bottom of the sea.

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the sensational discovery of archaeologists at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea - the cities of Heraklion, Canopus and Menutis, previously known only from ancient Greek legends. A basalt bust of a certain pharaoh, a bust of a deity according to Serapis, coins were raised from the bottom, which made it possible to date the destruction of the ancient settlement of the 7th-8th centuries. BC. But, most importantly, three cities with preserved houses, towers, moorings were discovered...

Canopus got its name in honor of the helmsman under King Menelaus, who died from a snake bite (and was immediately deified), and Menutis - in honor of his wife. Heraklion, according to legend, was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It was in this city that King Menelaus and Elena the Beautiful stopped on the way from the defeated Troy.

So, in any case, wrote the historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in 450 BC. He also described the landmark of the city - the tower of Hercules. It was a rich city, however, which lost its influence after the construction of Alexandria. As scientists suggest, Heraklion was flooded as a result of a strong earthquake. However, at the same time, apparently, he was almost not injured, but only forever frozen in time at the bottom of the abyss.

Why did scientists (geophysicists from Stanford University, who mapped the bottom using magnetic waves) guess about the earthquake? It's all about the nature of the location of the columns and walls of the city, which lay in one direction. Whether visits to "maritime museums" will ever be available is unknown. Nevertheless, it would be very profitable for the state and interesting for tourists.

"Chichaburg": an underground city in Siberia.

In the late 90s of the last century, during aerial photography of the Novosibirsk region, researchers 5 km from the regional center of Zdvinsk, on the shores of Lake Chicha, discovered an unusual anomaly: clear outlines of buildings appeared in the picture, although there were steppes and lakes all around.

Houses underground? Novosibirsk scientists, using special geophysical equipment provided by German colleagues, "enlightened" the mysterious place. The result exceeded all expectations: clear contours of streets, lanes, quarters, powerful defensive structures appeared on the map. A real city is located on an area of ​​12-15 hectares.

During research on Earth, on the outskirts of "Chichaburg" something resembling a slag heap was found, which usually remains from a developed metallurgical production. The class stratification of the ancient Siberian city also turned out to be “enlightened”: “elite” stone palaces were adjacent to the stone houses of common people. A fragment of some ancient - hitherto unknown - civilization rose from the ground ...

According to preliminary excavations, the age of the settlement is the 7th-8th centuries BC. It turns out that the town on the banks of the Chicha is the same age as the Trojan War? It is not easy for scientists to believe in this - after all, such a discovery overturns many well-established concepts in history, archeology, and ethnography.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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They say that many fantasy kingdoms that exist in parallel with our world have secret gates to this reality. This means that you can at least stand at the threshold of the unknown. About the entrances to the mythical cities and worlds - in our story.


Shambhala is the most famous fictional paradise in the Western world, which even inspired the creation of a science fiction writer Shangri-La. According to the Buddhist tradition, Shambhala is a hidden kingdom based on Buddhist traditions. In the utopian realm also lives the great warrior Geser, who commands the hordes of the righteous who will go to the human world to fight the demons. It is said that Shambhala can be entered through long-forgotten outposts set up in Russia, Afghanistan, the ancient city of Balkh in the Himalayas, and the Sutlej Valley in India. Heinrich Himmler was convinced that Shambhala was home to the Aryan race. The Nazis even wanted to recreate it and organized seven expeditions to find it. But the Dalai Lama stated that the entrance will not come to you until you reach a state of the same purity that reigns in the mystical city. Many believe that the entrance is not a physical place, but a state of mind, which means that all of the entrances listed above can be real.

fairy kingdom

Several legends are associated with the forest of Nokkma in the west of Ireland. They say that there, at the foot of the hill, the legendary warrior Queen Medb is buried, and the hill itself is the entrance to one of the fabulous kingdoms of Ireland. This realm is located in one of the stone circles that dot the hill and is ruled by the fairy queen Finvarra. According to legend, Finvarra kidnapped the beautiful bride of an Irish lord, and he ordered his men to dig up the hill to find her. But every night, when people went to bed, the fairies restored the hill. To prevent them from continuing the repairs, the lord scattered salt all over the place, and eventually dug out a path to the kingdom to take his wife. Finvarra is also mentioned in the legends of the 18th and 19th centuries as the protector of the nearby castle, the guardian of the wine cellars, and a good luck charm at the races that brought victory to any horse. Nokkma is not just a legendary place: archaeologists have found here a number of Neolithic sites and cairns from around 6000-7000 BC.

River Styx

The river Styx served as the main entrance to the underworld according to Greek mythology. The river is said to run between two massive silver columns guarded by nymphs. According to legend, the water of the River Styx served as a lie detector for the gods - Zeus forced it to drink those who supposedly told lies. If they lied, they lost the ability to speak and move for a year. These symptoms are very similar to those that Alexander the Great had before his premature death due to a sudden unknown illness in 323 BC. The Greek commander experienced stabbing pains in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal organs and joints, a strong fever and lost his voice, after which he fell into a coma. These symptoms are also very similar to those experienced by a person exposed to calicheamicin, a toxin produced by bacteria found in limestone found in high concentrations in the Mavroneri River.

Also known as the Black Water, the river flows from the Peloponnesian Mountains and has long been considered the actual entrance to the River Styx. An ancient tradition claims that water was just as deadly as its mythical counterpart, so the only thing it couldn't dissolve was a boat of horse hooves. If the speculation about Alexander the Great is true, it can be assumed that he did not die of malaria or typhoid fever, as previously assumed, but was poisoned by someone who took water from the mythical river Styx.

Lost City Z

The Lost City of Z is a mythological city in the wilds of South America. Presumably, there was a large and highly developed civilization. In the writings of a 16th-century monk, it is said that it was inhabited by white natives and female warriors. Colonel Percy Fawcett disappeared into the Amazon jungle in 1925 while trying to follow a secret route. The details of his expedition and the group's disappearance are shrouded in mystery. According to one version, the famous explorer went to the jungle not to find a lost city, but to found a new one, based on the worship of his little son, who accompanied him on a campaign.

Modern satellite imagery has captured what Fawcett was looking for, not far from where he expected. Fawcett believed that the entrance to the mythical city was somewhere in the Amazon between the tributaries of the Xingu and Tapajos. More than 200 clay structures stretching along the Brazilian border of Bolivia have confirmed that this theory has the right to exist. Some structures date back to 200 AD, while others are as recent as the 13th century. The entrance to the large glittering city of Faucet appears to be a little further southwest of where it was last seen. Calculations show that about 60,000 people once lived in the city. It consisted not only of small buildings - some of the monuments turned out to be higher than the Egyptian pyramids.

Yomi no kun

Yomi No Kun is part of Japanese mythology that predates the widespread belief in Buddhism. According to the myth, all creation was the product of a god named Izanagi and the goddess of his sister-wife Izanami. After Izanami died creating fire, her heartbroken husband went to the underworld to get her. He discovered a dark and gloomy place where the souls that retain their mortal bodies are doomed to rot for all eternity. Izanagi was forbidden to look at his wife until they reached the surface, but he caught a glimpse of her rotting, maggot-covered body. For daring to look at her in such a state, disgusting demons were sent in pursuit of Izanagi, who were supposed to chase him back to the underworld. But he escaped and sealed the entrance to Yomi No Kun with a giant boulder. In return, Izanagi promised to send 1000 lives to the underworld every day, and Izanagi promised to create 1005 new ones. Today, visitors to the Matsue area of ​​Japan can see the boulder that Izanagi is said to have used to block the entrance to the underworld. Yomotsu Hirasaka is the official name of the entrance supposedly located behind one of the boulders near Iya Shrine. It is not yet clear which boulder hides the entrance. Izanami's grave is also nearby, as is the shrine.


At the height of its power, the Mayan empire stretched across Mexico and Central America, and the faith of its people in the other world was very strong. Their resting place was Xibalba, which only the dead could enter, and only after several trials, from crossing rivers of scorpions and pus to walking through swarms of bats, following a dog that can see in the dark. There are several different entrances to Xibalba, but researchers recently discovered another one in the Yucatan Peninsula. The underground and partly underwater ruins of a massive labyrinth of caves hold some grim prophecies from the Maya. Archaeologists have discovered 11 different temples in the caves, along with signs of human sacrifice. There are a number of artifacts that were left as offerings to the dead, including pottery and stone figurines. Archaeologists excavating the cave also unearthed massive stone columns and structures that were built underwater, testifying to how much time, effort and faith it took to create such a shrine. Although it is not yet clear whether the myth of Xibalba is related to the cave or whether the caves confirm this myth, one can be sure that they are somehow connected.

Gini Gate

According to Wood, souls pass through the Gini gate after death. Voodoo traditions differ from each other, and so do the descriptions of the gate. In New Orleans voodoo, ginis are spirits of the underworld that help you move from one form of life to another. Gates of Gini - portals to this afterlife, consisting of seven gates. It takes seven days to pass through all the gates, and if the spirit fails, it can return to earth and become a zombie. Some voodoo priests believe that these seven gates are located in seven different cemeteries in New Orleans, although the exact location and numbering of the gates is a secret with seven seals. Signs for finding the gates are scattered throughout the city and often take the form of sigils (magic symbols) so that those with sufficient knowledge can decipher them. Gates are easier to find around Mardi Gras and All Saints Day, but just finding them isn't enough. You need to approach the gates and open them in the correct order, as well as please their guards. If this is done incorrectly, then evil and dangerous spirits will penetrate our world.

Garden of the Hesperides

According to Greek mythology, Gaia gave Hera trees with golden apples that grew in the garden of the Hesperides for her wedding. Hercules had to steal one of the apples - this is his eleventh test, which he had to pass in order to save the Earth. The gardens are said to be located in the Moroccan coastal town of Lixus. Now its old walls and buildings are destroyed. The location of the gardens is mentioned in a nautical journal from the times of Hellenistic Greece, but already in other places, including in the city of Cyrene and on one of the islands off the coast of Libya.


Newgrange is a large burial ground that was built in Ireland in the Boyne Valley over 5,000 years ago. It became not only an astronomical know-how, but also one of the entrances to the Celtic underworld. According to Celtic mythology, the gods traveled back and forth between the earth and their own worlds through special burial mounds like Newgrange. Conceived as the entrance to the banquet hall for the so-called Lords of Light, Newgrange is supposed to lead to a world where no one ever dies. There is an endless supply of food and drink, as well as magical trees that are constantly bearing fruit. The oldest myth about Newgrange speaks of him as the personification of the Boyne and the house with a well, which was the source of all wisdom in the world. The trees at the well dropped their nuts into the water, which created all the knowledge that exists in the human world. The next inhabitant of the underworld associated with Newgrange is Dagda, one of the oldest Irish gods, who personifies knowledge, the sun, and the sky. They say he guards her to this day.


Scholomance is a mythical school whose stories were reflected in Romanian folklore until Emily Gerard wrote about it. According to the history of Gerard, 10 students entered the Scholomance, who were taught by the devil himself. They were trained in all his spells and tricks, including communicating with animals and controlling the weather. After the curriculum ended, only nine students were released. The devil kept the last one for himself as payment, and sent him to an infinitely deep lake where he lived until the devil needed to use him to make a huge thunderstorm with lightning. In this story, the Scholomance is a little different from the traditional Romanian. In Romanian folklore, he is called Solomanari and is located in a world that exists in parallel with ours. After reading Gerard's work, Bram Stoker used the idea of ​​Scholomance in Dracula to explain how Dracula's family got their demonic power. The lake where the Devil's assistant sleeps is located high in the Carpathians, where, allegedly, thunderstorms rage every day. The one who is looking for the lake will realize that he has found it when he sees the mounds along the shore of the lake, which symbolize those who were struck by the lightning of the devil.

Country of lazy people

Lazyland, also known as Schlaraffenland, is a utopian mythological city. Those who go there can find everything their heart desires. Especially when it comes to food. The walls are made of big chunks of bacon, the roofs are covered with pies and pancakes, and the fences are made of sausages. Wine flows in all fountains, milk instead of water in the rivers. Pies with meat or fruit grow on trees. Even the weather has something to do with food: snow made from sugar, hail in the form of dragees. In addition, you can literally earn money in a dream. Unlike most other mythical places, not those who were good and led a righteous life, but those who were very hungry were admitted into the Land of Lazy People. In order to get there, you need to go to North Gommelin - a city in northern France. The entrance is in a huge mountain of porridge. Whoever wants to get into the city has to make his way, eating porridge on his way, so you need a huge appetite to get there.

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